Monday, March 19, 2012


Alright guys, this is going to be short and sweet ‘cause I’m tired and want to go to bed. 
A quick catch up on the last two days have been thus: up at 5am for vitals, up at 6 for meds, up at 7 for breakfast and after that they leave you alone for a couple of hours.  Honestly, it’s worse than boot camp.  About the only difference is they don’t expect you to jump out of bed (yea, not happening) and instead of banging a metal trash can with a billy stick, they come in with a cheery “Hi, how are you?  I just want to make sure to completely destroy any semblance of a decent night’s sleep.”  I honestly don’t know which one is worse.
I’ve been doing stellar, performing to my normal rock star standards and have now been rewarded with release paper effective 6pm tonight.  I am a free man.  Well, I don’t have to stay at the hospital - I still have to go back three times a week for checkups and such but at least I get out of the sterile dorm room I was in.  I’ve also been rewarded with a list of meds that would bewilder a Harvard chem student.  I’m starting to rethink the whole hospital thing – it was a lot easier when they just brought them to me.  When to take what is honestly more confusing than quantum entanglement and if anyone has any useable brilliant ideas (like they know another transplanter who has a good system?), I’d love to get some thoughts.  Taking them all at once and seeing what happens is not an option.  I can think of a few people who would be quite put out if I did and I’m sure my insurance wouldn’t so happy either.
So how about Tracey?  She’s still full of it but has been released as well.  I truly wish I could do something for her but pushing on her stomach might just make her want to reach in and grab her donation back.  So for now, I’m offering the support that I can and trying to drum up support.  She will be staying at Barb and Skip’s in Colorado Springs for the foreseeable future where she will be well cared for and pampered.  I would say call her on her cell but don’t be surprised if she doesn’t pick up.  She also might have a little more access to modern technology like electricity and *gasp* internet so you might be able to catch her on the Book of Faces or other influential internet pages.
Me, I’m staying at my cousin Danielle and Shannan’s place for the time being but as I said, I most likely will be moving houses like a hunted terrorist as the hosts get sick of me.  I will try to write more about my time in prison hospital later - I think you’ll find the part about bowel movements quite interesting.  But for now this is all you get.  And you’ll like it.

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